Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Frozen Shoulder

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Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a malady that affects 2-3% of the population. Often the main indicator is initial pain in the joint and decreased mobility. Frozen shoulder can affect people of any age from children to adulthood, but is most commonly diagnosed in people ranging from 40 - 70 years of age, predominantly women.
The shoulder joint itself is called a ball and socket joint. Ligaments, tendons and muscles work together to provide support, strength and the wide range of motion that enables us to move our arms and hands in a variety of positions in order to complete tasks. All the functions of the shoulder can be compromised by underlying inflammatory diseases and misuse. The specific causes of frozen shoulder perplex are varied and largely still unknown, but onset begins with initial pain, followed by restriction in mobility and finally recovery.
Frozen shoulder can often be referred to as insidious in nature. The symptoms and development of the disorder are slow and can take up to a year or two to set in. Often patients will experience pain that will increase over time. As chemical changes take place in the shoulder joint, thick strands of tissue called adhesions form and begin to restrict mobility. The lubricating synovial capsule in the shoulder joint thickens and provides less lubrication. By the time the sufferer begins to notice a significant issue in lack of mobility, the disorder has set in and requires treatment. 
The good news is that although the causes of frozen shoulder are varied, treatment is straight forward and the disorder can be resolved. Often clinicians, including our experienced and caring staff, can provide the correct manipulation and physiotherapy to help you regain mobility and resolve the disorder. Contact our office so we can address your condition immediately. 
Causes of Frozen Shoulder
Adhesive capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) can be attributed to misuse and injury, myocardial infarction, upper torso surgery, such as arm and shoulder surgery or mastectomy, and even lack of use. When the shoulder joint goes unused and remains in the same position for long periods of time, such as when a patient is placed in a sling or unable to use their arm, the joint tightens and mobility is decreased. An autoimmune response in the area may cause the joint to stiffen and restrict the joint causing the initial pain. When the initial pain is not addressed, the inflammatory nature of the disorder will progress and adhesions form in the joint further restricting mobility and increasing the level of pain.
Frozen Shoulder Due to Systemic Disorders
A large population of patients who suffer from systemic diseases may be more likely to develop frozen shoulder. These systemic diseases include those who suffer from thyroid disorders such as hyperthyroid and hypothyroid, both overactive and underactive thyroid function. Other diseases include diabetes, cardiovascular disease, tuberculosis and Parkinson's Disease. Frozen shoulder treatment related to these diseases is paramount and the importance of early diagnosis followed by early manipulation and treatment are necessary, because more drastic treatments are often times not an option. Our chiropractic staff are experts in diagnosing and treating the issue to help resolve your pain and regain your range of motion, so you may return to a normal routine.
Frozen Shoulder in Surgical Patients
Patients who have recently gone through shoulder surgery such as rotator cuff repair or repair to the labrum, one of the many tendons in the shoulder, may experience frozen shoulder. Patients who have had recent mastectomy or cardiovascular surgery are at risk, as well. The reason they are more susceptible to the disorder is lack of use of the shoulder. When the shoulder remains in the same position for a prolonged period of time, the joint stiffens and the pain sets in.

Once the surgical site heals sufficiently, physiotherapy and chiropractic manipulation are highly recommended to help return range of motion to the joint and reduce pain. Our office can develop a program for you that will reduce the pain and increase the range of motion over a healthy period so you can return to a normal schedule in you life.
Chiropractic Treatment of Frozen Shoulder
Chiropractic therapy for frozen shoulder can produce the results you need and resolve your frozen shoulder. Our staff will evaluate your baseline range of motion and pain level to develop a plan tailored to you. In-office physiotherapy coupled with exercise you may do at home will address and increase your range of motion. It will also build the muscle to prevent muscular atrophy or the shrinkage of important muscles in the shoulder. Coupled with treatment for inflammation in the joint space, patients can see improvement over a period of time and resolution of the disorder.
Hard work is the key. Failure to work on stretching in the office as well as at home can delay the recovery process. Trust our staff to direct you along the path to recovery.


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

What You Need to Know About Sciatica

Come Visit Your Orange County Chiropractor
I am not sure if you're back has ever hurt, but if it has or it does currently, you need to read this. The term "sciatica" describes the symptoms of leg pain and possibly tingling, numbness or weakness that usually originates in your lower back and travels down through your buttocks and down the LARGE sciatic nerve in the back of your leg.

If you've ever had this type of pain, you know that it's something you want to get rid of as fast as possible.

Sciatica (pronounced sigh-at-ih-kah) is not a medical diagnosis in and of itself - it is a symptom of an underlying medical condition.

Sciatica is often characterized by one of more of the following symptoms:

  • Constant pain in only one side of the buttock or leg (rarely can occur in both legs)
  • Pain that is worse when sitting
  • Burning or tingling down the leg (vs. a dull ache)
  • Weakness, numbness or difficulty moving the leg or foot
  • A constant pain on one side of the rear
  • A sharp pain that may make it difficult to stand up of to walk
Sciatic pain can vary from infrequent and irritating to constant and incapacitating. These are symptoms of an underlying situation in your body and the longer you let them go or cover them with aspirin or some other drugs, the worse the problem will become.

Specific sciatica symptoms also vary widely in type, location, and severity, depending upon the condition causing your sciatica (such as a lumbar herniated disc). If you have had or do have symptoms currently make sure you call the office immediately. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Cause and Effect

Come Visit your Orange County Chiropractor

Think about this.

When we get sick or experience aches and pains, it's tempting to look for causes outside ourselves.

Convenient Culprits:

Bad luck. Like accidents or being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Germs. Blaming illness on germs overlooks one critical ingredient--being a hospitable host!

Genetics. The new fall guy is "bad genes." Yet, research shows that gene expression is a reaction to our environment.

We live in a world of cause and effect.

Every Symptom Has a Cause

It's tempting to look to outside causes, but many health problems are the result of our own choices, beliefs, and habits. Sometimes the effects can take decades to appear.

FACT: Bad Health is the "result" of your body's inability to accommodate physical, chemical, or emotional stress.

Similarly, if you not only want to feel good, but have good health results, this happens when your body works the way it was designed to get. Get checked!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Chiropractic Care as a Secret Ingredient

Make sure to come see your
Orange County Chiropractor
Your body, your physical self, is a deeply complex structure, and as a result is exquisitely sensitive to changes in initial conditions. For example, eating high-calorie fast food on a regular basis may lead, not only to weight gain and possible blood sugar problems, but also to problems such as autoimmune disorders including asthma and celiac disease.
To guard against such problems, we need to pay attention to the "triangle of life." Importantly, the smooth functioning of the triangle of life takes for granted that all your body's different systems can work together accurately and efficiently. Regular chiropractic care is the secret ingredient in this process. By restoring spinal alignment and removing nerve interference, regular chiropractic care helps you get the most out of your exercise, nutrition, and rest, so that you can achieve your highest levels of health and well-being.