Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Right Conditons Can Make You Really Tired and Sick!

Are you worried about getting a cold? How about being around someone with a cold? Are you worried someone's germs MIGHT make you SICK? How can some people go from one cold to the next, seemingly getting all the bugs and germs that "go around" and other people never do?
Good Questions Huh?
Well here's what you need to think about if you're worried about "catching" someone's germs and getting SICK.
D.D. Palmer, the founder of chiropractic, was prompted to ask these same questions back in 1895!
People for some reason are afraid of "germs."
But let me just say this. Germs are a lot like SEEDS. They have to be planted in fertile soil. Ever try to start a lawn or plant garden without fertile soil? It won't happen. As you know, the conditions have to be just right! Same with germs manifesting into diseases in your body. If you're not getting adjusted and you have pinched nerves, whatever those nerves go to are not going ot be functioning at 100%.
Here's what I normally find when I'm with a new patient. When i question the patient, I find out that a common factor is a depressed immune system, and that their malfunctioning nervous system is affecting the functioning of their immune system.
That's BAD!
Their immune system has been weakened by a compromised (misaligned)nervous system. Their stomach, lungs, nose, ears, and throat become the perfect "soil" for viruses, microbes and other bugs. So what can you do? Restore the integrity of the nervous system by staying in alignment. Adjustments given on a regular basis--help patients just like you--enjoy better health, a longer life, and you can do the same things. Make sure you don't go long periods of time without being "checked".
Come visit your Chiropractor in Orange County!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall!

Here's a quick question for you.
Why does your body LIKE getting adjusted?
Well let me just give you behind the scenes summary
Your body performs trillions of tasks each day...without any conscious input from you. That's a good thing.
Now one thing it does rather well is replacing your old cells with brand new ones.

Here's an example

You get a new stomach lining every 5 days...and then you get new skin every 28 days...(I wonder why I look so good every time I look in the mirror)...a new liver every 6 weeks-and so on and so on.
So your body is in a state of constant renewal.
Read this: in the course of every hour, your body produced one trillion new cells. That's a lot of cells in a short amount of time. This process allows your body to repair itself, constructing a whole new you.
It's in this renewal time that the power of what we do here in this office (called chiropractic care) is magnified.


Your body looks to its current pattern and structure to guide the placement of new cells. Regular chiropractic helps "reduce" unhealthy structures.
As new cells replace old cells they do so using the healthier pattern that your body PROGRAMS into the process. This is the nature of healing. Your body is really smart, and when you remove the interference, it really works at its best. That's exactly what "wellness" and "chiropractic" are all about: working with your body to achieve the best "you" possible!
Come visit your Orange county chiropractor!

Monday, October 21, 2013

ADHD Helped With Chiropractic, A Case Study

In October 2004 issue of the perr-reviews research publication, the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT), comes a case study of a child with ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), who was helped with chiropractic.

The case of a 5 year old boy who had been diagnosed with ADHD at age 2. The child's pediatrician prescribed methylphenidate (Ritalin), Adderall, and Haldol for the next 3 years. The combination of drugs was unsuccessful in helping the child. At age 5 the child was brought to a chiropractor to see if chiropractic care would help. The history taken at that time noted that during the child's birth, there were complications during the delivery process. The results of this trauma and complications resulted in a 4-day stay in the neonatal intensive care unit. The child's mother reported no other incidence of trauma.

The chiropractic examination and x-rays showed noticeable spinal distortion including a reversal of the normal curve indicative of subluxations. Chiropractic care was begun and the child;s progress was monitored. According to his other, positive changes in her son's general behavior were noticed around the 12th visit. By the 27th visit the patient had experienced considerable improvement.

The child was brought by the mother to the medical doctor for a follow up visit and questioned the usage of the Ritalin. The medical doctor reviewed and examined the child and based on that assessment and his clinical experience, the MD felt that the young boy was no longer exhibiting symptoms associated with ADHD. He took the boy off the medications that he had been taking for 3 years.

The conclusion of the author of the JMPT case study noted, "The patient experienced significant reduction in symptoms. Additionally, the medical doctor concluded that the reduction in symptoms was significant enough to discontinue the medication"

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Gaining Weight?

There are definitely some major advantages to night shift work schedules, affectionately known as the "graveyard" shift.

On the other hand, there are disadvantages as well. The "laid back" atmosphere and the fact that many who work nights naturally have a reduced workload, making boredom somewhat commonplace. And what do lots of folks who are bored do? Why they eat of course! And then what happens? Well...They gain weight! How much depends on a number of variables such as exercise, diet, and sleep.

Most people have regular sleeping and eating patterns that keep pace with their circadian rhythms-our natural 24-hour body clock, When a person becomes a night-shift worker, their sleeping and eating cycles are disrupted. In addition, because many experience more sleeping disorders and digestive problems than their day-shift counterparts, many easily gain 20-30 pounds once they start working nights.

One reason for this is the vending machine. Rather than bringing home-prepared meals to eat at work or eating in restaurants that offer healthy choices, many become vending machine junkies, a less-than-nutritious diet that adds on weight...and quickly!

Yet you can eat healthy working nights IF you keep in mind the following:

    Never skup a meal and adjust your meal schedule to match you "day" meal routine as soon as you begin to work the night shift.
    Make sure you don't ear a large meal at the end of your shift, just as you are winding down to go to sleep. It will not digest properly and you will not have time to "work it off" prior to sleeping; this contributes to weight gain.
    Avoid vending machine snacking and eat at least one well-balanced meal during your shift.
    Avoid sugar and caffeine, which may keep you awake and wreak havoc with your sleep cycles later in your "day".

And if you're working late, schedule an early appointment at the chiropractic office. We're here to help and it's important that you get your regular adjustments. Plus you'll sleep like a baby following your adjustment.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Dr. G's Pop Quiz

If you've been a patient at this office for some time, you already know that 1)we care 2)chiropractic care is different from traditional health care 3)we like patients to interact with all the staff. If you haven't, let me share something with you.

Our Motto:We depend upon patients like you to spread the word about our chiropractic office and its effectiveness. We want you happy, we want you healthy, and we want you telling people about us. When you're healthier, you should want to tell people about this clinic in case they need to call us like you did.

Q. Do you understand what makes chiropractic different (and effective)? Answer these questions to test your knowledge. Let me know how you did:

1.The primary focus of my type of chiropractic care is to?
a.make your eyes clearer
b.Improve the vitality of your nervous system so it functions at optimal rates
c.To get your pain taken care of permanently
d.Get you knowledgeable about almost everything you can think of

2. Subluxations in your spine will and can cause:
a. Eating or drinking to excess with huge weight gains
b. Nervous system impairment
c. Pain, muscle spasm, or even over-excitement
d. Sleepless nights

3.Chiropractic can help so many different health problems because?
a.It's magic that only a chiropractor can do
b.The nervous system controls, coordinates, and regulates everything in your body
c.Only a chiropractor can adjust you and get you aligned

Come visit your Orange County Chiropractor!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Warning Signs!

With gas prices through the roof, everyone hates to see that low fuel light come on!

As bad at the low fuel light is, it really is pivotal. It is a symptom of a low tank and a WARNING that unless you do something about it you will be "hoofing" it soon!

When it comes to health, pain or other symptoms are just the same. Symptoms are warnings! A "low health" light if you will.

Unfortunately, many people look for the quickest way to cover up the symptom and then move along. They ignore the warning and think that if the symptom is gone then the problem is gone. NOT TRUE. It would be no different than putting tape over the low fuel light and then just keep driving. It is no wonder that so many people are sick and suffering.

Chiropractic addresses the cause, not the symptom!

Come visit your Orange County Chiropractor!

Who is Dr. W. Edwards Deming?

"Who is Dr. W. Edwards Deming," you ask? And why should we care? In the U.S., Deming is not very well known, but in other ares of the world, Europe and Asia especially, he is almost a household name. He was an economist who taught a common sense approach to economic dealings. After WWII when the Japanese economy wasn't doing so well, Deming almost single-handedly transformed the way they did business with his ideas. One of this more famous quotes is: "94% of failure is a result of the system, not the individual." Now why is this important to you and me? It's simple, really. You see, today we have what we refer to as a "healthcare system." Actually, it would be better to refer to as a "sick care system." Think about it. How often do we go to a doctor or a hospital to care for out health? We are usually there to have them care for our sickness. If we look at the cold, hard facts, we are not doing so well as a "healthcare system." In fact, if we look at some of the more advanced countries in the world, we are getting sicker by the day. The United States, for instance, is ranked by the World Health Organization as the thirty fourth healthiest country. Thirty fourth! Your jaw should be hitting the floor right now. Consider a country that spends more on "healthcare" every year than the entire gross domestic product of most countries, and it seems that U.S. should rate at least in the top ten! The pharmaceutical industry is the fourth largest industry that has ever existed. Do we really need that much "Big Pharma?"r Consider for a moment that it isn't the individuals who are stupid here. Could it be that out failure it a result of the system? Enter chiropractic, a different way of thinking about health and sickness. Chiropractic is based on the idea that, if we truely take care of our health, it becomes almost impossible to have sickness. Our bodies were designed as the most magnificent machines to ever grace the planet earth. And when out nervous system is functioning properly, i.e. through regular chiropractic adjustments, then much of the sickness we incur will simply disappear, as if by magic. Just some food for thought! Come visit your Orange County Chiropractor!

Warning Signs!

With gas prices through the roof, everyone hates to see that low fuel light come on!

As bad at the low fuel light is, it really is pivotal. It is a symptom of a low tank and a WARNING that unless you do something about it you will be "hoofing" it soon!

When it comes to health, pain or other symptoms are just the same. Symptoms are warnings! A "low health" light if you will.

Unfortunately, many people look for the quickest way to cover up the symptom and then move along. They ignore the warning and think that if the symptom is gone then the problem is gone. NOT TRUE. It would be no different than putting tape over the low fuel light and then just keep driving. It is no wonder that so many people are sick and suffering.

Chiropractic addresses the cause, not the symtom!

Come visit your Orange County Chiropractor!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Who is Dr. W. Edwards Deming?

"Who is Dr. W. Edwards Deming," you ask? And why should we care? In the U.S., Deming is not very well known, but in other ares of the world, Europe and Asia especially, he is almost a household name. He was an economist who taught a common sense approach to economic dealings.

After WWII when the Japanese economy wasn't doing so well, Deming almost single-handedly transformed the way they did business with his ideas. One of this more famous quotes is:

"94% of failure is a result of the system, not the individual."

Now why is this important to you and me? It's simple, really. You see, today we have what we refer to as a "healthcare system." Actually, it would be better to refer to as a "sick care system." Think about it. How often do we go to a doctor or a hospital to care for out health? We are usually there to have them care for our sickness.

If we look at the cold, hard facts, we are not doing so well as a "healthcare system." In fact, if we look at some of the more advanced countries in the world, we are getting sicker by the day. The United States, for instance, is ranked by the World Health Organization as the thirty fourth healthiest country. Thirty fourth! Your jaw should be hitting the floor right now. Consider a country that spends more on "healthcare" every year than the entire gross domestic product of most countries, and it seems that U.S. should rate at least in the top ten! The pharmaceutical industry is the fourth largest industry that has ever existed. Do we really need that much "Big Pharma?"r

Consider for a moment that it isn't the individuals who are stupid here. Could it be that out failure it a result of the system?

Enter chiropractic, a different way of thinking about health and sickness. Chiropractic is based on the idea that, if we truely take care of our health, it becomes almost impossible to have sickness. Our bodies were designed as the most magnificent machines to ever grace the planet earth. And when out nervous system is functioning properly, i.e. through regular chiropractic adjustments, then much of the sickness we incur will simply disappear, as if by magic.

Just some food for thought!

Come visit your Orange County Chiropractor!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Move over, "BlackBerry Thumb". There's a new tech-induced health hazard in town--"text neck" or "iNeck pain".

A term coined by U.S. chirpractors Dr. Dean L. Fishman, "Text Neck" refers to an overuse syndrome or a repetitive stress injury, where you have your head hung forward and down looking at your mobile electronic device for extended periods of time.
Indeed, as mobile technology becomes more widespread,, people are spending more an more time with handheld devices like smartphones, e-readers, and computer tablets. And "Text Neck", which can potentially affect millions worldwide, is a growing health concern.

Symptoms of "Text Neck"

When users are stuck in the unnatural posture of looking down for a prolonged period od time, it can lead to tightness across the shoulders, soreness in the neck and even chronic headaches.

That's because the more you crane your neck, the more weight it has to carry.

Dr. Tan Kian Hian, director at the Pain Management Center and consultant at the Department of Anaesthesiology, Singapore General Hospital (SGH), explains: "When you lean your head forward away from its natural position--when the ears and shoulders are aligned--by an inch, the weight of your head dramatically increases."

If left untreated, a "text neck" can lead to the inflammation of the neck muscles, ligaments and nerves, permanent arthritic damage, as well as increased curvature in the spine. Tan adds: "This is very prevalent in our new generation of young adults who are constantly "connected" to their mobile devices, even while walking.

When your body is sending you a message

The good news is that there are ways to alleviate your muscular pain and discomfort before your condition gets worse.

Tan says: "It is possible to feel better just by making some changes to your daily posture and your lifestyle."

Here's what you can do:
    Take frequent breaks: A "Text Neck" is a repetitive stress injury--it can be easily prevented by taking breaks from your mobile device every 15 minutes, looking up and bringing the neck back into the neutral position. Alternatively, hold your mobile device higher so that it's aligned with your eyes and your neck muscles are not so taxed.
    Embrace posture-focused exercises: So exercises like yoga and Pilates, which focus your attention on attaining the right posture. You will become more aware of the way you use your mobile devices in that way.

When your iNeck pain has become too severe

Patients should seek professional attention if the above measures do not work. They may require a complete chiropractic examination and if necessary, some investigations to fin out what is wrong with their neck.
If there are no contraindications, chiropractic and holistic methods can be very effective in treating these problems. In some patients, the degeneration may be severe and lead to compression of nerves in the neck. This may result in "nerve pain" which will require further investigations and specialized treatment.