Thursday, September 26, 2013

120 Day Makeover!!

Your body's cells and tissues are constantly undergoing replacement, remodeling, and makeovers. For example, your red blood cells - the cells that carry oxygen from your lungs to every other part of your body - replace themselves every 120 days. Other cells with such a high rate of turnover include the cells lining your gastrointestinal tract - stomach, small, and large intestine - and hair cells.

Ultimately all of your body's cells die and are replaced. What this means is that the "new you" doesn't have to be the same as the "old you." As you get healthier - eat more nutritious foods, exercise regularly, and get sufficient restful sleep - your new replacement cells also become stronger, fitter, and healthier.

For most people, chiropractic care is an essential ingredient in becoming healthier. Chiropractic care helps improve the functioning of your nerve system, which in turn helps every system of your body function more effectively and efficiently. With respect to health and well-being, chiropractic care helps your desire for a "new reality" become a reality

Monday, September 23, 2013

You are What You Eat!

Locally Grown, Organically Grown- You are What You Eat

There is much wisdom in the saying "you are what you eat," but food today is not the food of yesterday. We need to actually work at getting the amount of nutrients that's going to help keep us healthy and well.

Our genetic heritage was not designed for an urban environment. Our digestive systems, for example, were not optimized for high-starch diets, fast food, and canned fruits and vegetables. The energy requirements of our cells were designed to be based on glucose metabolism. But glucose was originally obtained from readily available fresh produce and whole grains, in the form of complex carbohydrates. When out tissues were originally designed there were not such things as processes flour or sweeteners.

At the dawn of man, protein sources were derived from the local fauna-the local birds and beasts. These animals were not fed antibiotics and were not raised on pesticide-treated grasses. They were not caged and forced to grow up in close proximity to dozens and hundreds of fellow creatures. They roamed freely and randomly, ranging over wide stretches of open territory. As a result, their value as food sources was very high.

Today,, unless we make a special effort, out food sources are significantly compromised. Until recently, those living in cities were only able to purchase produce that traveled long distances over many days to reach their stores. The nutritional value of these fruits and vegetables was necessarily substantially degraded. The nutritional content of protein sources-meat, fowl, fish, dairy, and eggs-were likewise degraded by chemical additives, antibiotics, and draconian living conditions.

New food-producing methods, available for the last 30 years but much more so recently, have enabled consumers to put high-quality food on their tables. The slogan "eat locally" has become a possibility for even the most entrenched urban areas such as New York City. Farmers markets spring up weekly and monthly in most cities, suburbs, and the surrounding countryside. Organically grown food-produce,fish, mean, fowl, and dairy-is widely available, even in supermarket chains.

We now have more healthy food options than were available at any time within the last 50 years. It is possible to reverse the diabetes and obesity epidemics that have spread across countries like the United States. It is possible to restore health and well-being to millions of people around the globe. Chiropractic care can be of great assistance in this process. Your chiropractor is a nutritional expert and will be able to help you design food plans that will work for you and your family.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Causes to Symptoms

Every symptom has a cause.

Think about this.

When we get sick or experience aches and pains, it's tempting to look for causes outside ourselves.

Convenient culprits:

    BAD LUCK. Like accidents or being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    GERMS. Blaming illness on germs overlooks one critical ingredient-being a hospitable host!

    GENETICS. The new fall guy is "bad genes." Yet, research shows that gene expression is a reaction to your environment.

We live in a world of cause and effect.

It's tempting to look to outside causes, but many health problems are the result of our own choices, beliefs, and habits. Sometimes the effects can take decades to appear

FACT:Ill Health is the "result" of your body's inability to accommodate physical, chemical, or emotional stress.

Similarly, if you not only want to feel good, but have good health results, this happens when your body works the way it as designed to. Get checked out at your Orange County Chiropractor

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Headaches And What YOU Can Do!

What are the different types of headaches? Vascular Headaches: Produced by irritation and inflammation of the blood vessels of the brain caused by a variety of diseases (fevers, drugs, poisons, toxins, altered pH, nerve irritation, hormone imbalance). Migraine Headaches:a neural-hormonal-vascular phenomenon of disabling proportions caused by a complex interaction between the nervous system, the hormonal system, and the affected vascular segment. Many times preceded by a prodrone or "warning signal" such as nausea, visual or speech disturbance, numbness, or dizziness. Cluster Headaches: Called cluster headaches because the headaches come in groups. Pain generally lasts from 30-45 minutes, but can persist for several hours. Most sufferers experience one to four headaches a day during a cluster period. Cervical Headaches: Pain originates from the neck due to such things as subluxations, muscle spasm and nerve irritation. Tension Headaches: Pain comes from irritated or inflamed soft tissues of the neck and head, primarily muscles, nerve endings and their connective tissues that can develop into trigger point ("knots"). Organic Headaches: Include, sinus headaches, hangover headache, allergy headache, caffeine withdrawal headache, pregnancy headaches, hypertension (high blood pressure) headaches, TMJ (jaw) dysfunction, reading headaches, hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) headaches. May also be due to tumors, brain aneurysm, hematoma, meningitis, brain abscess, etc. Rebound Headaches: Due to the overuse of medications (exceeding label instructions or doctors advice). Precipitates a "rebound" into another headache. This particularly true if your medication contains caffeine. Come and see your Chiropractor in Orange County CA!